Foreign Language Competence Formation for Future Economists: Foreign experience

  • Богдан Чернявський
Ключові слова: foreign experience, domestic experience, future economists, foreign-language competence, foreign language competence formation


The article deals with foreign experience of foreign-language competence formation for future economists. Such European countires as Great Britain, Germany, Finland, Estonia, Italy have been taken to review foreign experience of foreign language competence formation for future economists. However, each national education system has its accents and specific features. Thus, in different countries the purpose of training is the foreign language professional formation of a future economist who implements the principle of studying a foreign language of professional orientation (Great Britain, Germany, Finland, Estonia), education of a future specialist who speaks a foreign language as a means of communication in an integrated educational environment (Finland), focused on practical activities and continuous improvement of their professional qualities (Italy). The conducted research testifies the wide variability of the system of foreign-language competence formation for future economists in the modern world in accordance with the dynamism of its development. Undoubtedly, such international experience is a valuable resource for the development and satiety of new ideas for the domestic practice of foreign-language competence formation for future economists.


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Як цитувати
Чернявський, Б. (2019). Foreign Language Competence Formation for Future Economists: Foreign experience. Педагогіка і психологія професійної освіти, (1), 215-221.