• Lyubov Ivanivna Didukh Львівський державний університет безпеки життєдіяльності
Ключові слова: символи, графічні зображення, романи Стівена Кінга, жанр жахів, страх


This article deals with special symbols in Stephen King’s novels. It is proved that symbols have always been deeply investigated in Poetics and Text Linguistics; they play an important role in any text; both in ancient and in modern texts many colour, number, animal or graphical images can be found as different symbols.It’s also defined that universal symbols are easily recognizable and that’s why remain in the reader’s memory. Writers often use symbolic images in their literary works, sometimes very overtly, sometime more implicitly. The article also focuses on the fact that S. King uses plenty of symbols and word images to convey some important messages for his readers, to scare them even more or to tell a story of his life. Some examples of these symbols like special animals, colours, numbers, graphical images are discussed in our research. The author states that one of the key themes of his works is the motif of alcoholism or the strength of addiction which can be presented by many symbols, for example the dog’s rabies. The article also deals with the symbolic nature of S. King’s characters, as they are also very similar to the author himself – they are teachers or writers, they try to be good husbands and fathers, have problems with alcohol or find themselves in situations in which the author had been too. It’s proved that S. King’s symbolism is immensely meaningful and is an important part of the story.


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Як цитувати
Didukh, L. I. (2020). РІЗНОМАНІТНІ СИМВОЛИ У РОМАНАХ СТІВЕНА КІНГА: ЛІНГВОПОЕТИЧНИЙ АСПЕКТ. Львівський філологічний часопис, (6), 48-52. Retrieved із https://journal.ldubgd.edu.ua/index.php/philology/article/view/1697