• R. Yakovchuk Lviv State university of life safety
  • Ya. Ballo Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Defense
  • A. Kuzyk Lviv State university of life safety
  • O. Kagitin Lviv State university of life safety
  • V. Kovalchuk Lviv State university of life safety
Keywords: FDS modelling, Pyrosim, the spread of fire on the facade, high-rise buildings, facade fire eaves, design parameters of eaves


Purpose. Applying FDS modelling to detect the influence of structural parameters of facade fire eaves, the effectiveness of fire prevention by vertical building structures in high-rise buildings.
Methods. To calculate the temperature in the high-rise building model used Pyrosim computer system that serves as the user's shell application Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS). This FDS system uses numerical algorithms to solve the complete Navier-Stokes differential equation system to determine temperature and other hazardous factors during a fire.
Results. The results of FDS modelling during substantiation of constructive parameters of fire eaves, which protrude beyond the facade and located on the border of fire compartments along the contour of high-rise buildings with a nominal height of more than 73.5 m, are presented. Premises and substantiated the criteria for the destruction of external light openings (windows) as an integral factor in the spread of fire on the external vertical building structures of high-rise ПОЖЕЖНА БЕЗПЕКА
40 Вісник ЛДУБЖД, №23, 2021
buildings. A study of the effectiveness of the structural parameters of cornices and their impact on the effectiveness of fire prevention by vertical building structures under the same initial conditions of fire development. Constructed comparative dependences of distribution of temperatures of heating of a facade of the house. Also defined the duration of achievement of their critical values.
Scientific novelty. The analysis of the data obtained as a result of FDS modelling under the same initial conditions and conclusions on the effectiveness of design parameters of fire facade cornices on the border of fire compartments and ways to further improve their design to prevent the spread of fire in high-rise buildings. These studies are aimed at their use by design institutions during the development of design parameters of fire eaves, which protrude beyond the facade and are located on the border of fire compartments along the contour of high-rise buildings, as well as to improve the regulatory framework for fire safety.


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How to Cite
Yakovchuk, R., Ballo, Y., Kuzyk, A., Kagitin, O., & Kovalchuk, V. (2021). FDS MODELING OF THE FIRE-PREVENTING EAVES EFFECTIVENESS TO PREVENT THE FIRE SPREADING ON FACADE OF HIGH-RISE BUILDINGS. Bulletin of Lviv State University of Life Safety, 23, 39-45. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.32447/20784643.23.2021.06